Author:  Candiese Leveridge
Date:  July 14, 2021


Digital Housing, an annual one day conference focused on marketing and brand development, has paved the way for an even more intensive programme – Digital Housing Practice Labs.  

The Digital Housing conference has been hosted for the last eight years, with the aim of helping small business owners with their online presence, marketing skills and brand development techniques.  

The Digital Housing Practice Labs is a 12-week accelerator programme for entrepreneurs, small business owners and their staff, with the same objectives, just with a short-form and more intensive delivery programme.

The accelerator programme includes: assisting emerging small business owners with the integration of both offline and online marketing strategies and social media actions, building their digital marketing plans, imparting knowledge regarding smart apps and tools, converting website and social media impressions and interactions into sales conversion systems, as well as identifying opportunities the client may not be aware of.

The accelerator course, which will be taught in modules guarantees that one will leave the programme with a much wider range of knowledge, by committing only three (3) hours a week to self-directed study of the content provided.

Entrepreneurs and small business owners are taught how to enhance website searchability results, build and implement efficient marketing strategies among other key factors needed to compete in today’s rigorous and saturated marketplace.

Budding businessmen or women can begin learning the key elements to implement to ensure their business becomes not only viable and justifiable but that they thrive.  Digital Housing Practice Labs launches in September 2021.


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